oh the places we go

washington 2014

A trip to Washington where none of us came back the people we once were. we took Washington by the horns.

we were in 4 airplanes, 2 hour traffic jams, a ferry, and a smoking boat. we slept in 2 hotels, an rv, a cottage and a house. we ran down airport aisles carrying kids and carseats and suitcases while pushing a stroller with flat tires then being told the door shut 10 minutes ago. we ate crab and drank beer like it was our job. we laughed and embraced friends who treated us like family. we waded through seaweed and explored a nature that was new to us. we stared up at the tall trees, we took outdoor showers.

and like a summer love, I can't stop thinking about it all.

Washington, you have my heart.

Nothin' is as it has been And I miss your face like hell And I guess it's just as well But I miss your face like hell-The Head and the Heart


off we go into the wild blue yonder

My aunt and uncle own a little cabin tucked away in the Appalachian Mountains. You have to take lots of curvy roads that dip up and down through valleys then pop you back up to the top of the mountains to get there. It's gray with a fantastic wooden screen door and a tin roof. It sits on a green hill and the sun shines down in air so crisp it makes you feel like a kid again.

We went there a few weeks ago and got lost in all of it's magic.

We fished with water up to our waist and floated on big black inner tubes. We spent hours trying to catch the minnows with our hands in the clear river water and swam with our old dog who was suddenly a puppy again.  We built fires and set marshmallows on fire. We did somersaults down hills and chased butterflies. We wore our cleanest dirty clothes over and over. We listened as the banjo made it's way out to the mountains and came back to us.

We played in the river until the setting sun sent us home. We chased our moon shadows and the fireflies that gave us light shows.

The days were full and the nights were quiet.

The world stopped for 8 days and gave us time to enjoy it.

Glen Arbor, Michigan

I still smell like camp fire. The laundry isn't caught up. And the tent is still lying in a heap on my deck. When my kids were born I promised I wouldn't take them to the same place every summer. I want them to see the world. But when memories are made somewhere, really good memories, you want to go back and relive them. So every August, I find myself closing out summer in this magical place.

So my very good friend and I packed up our kids and set out to go camping.

We fed bugs cheez-its. Had fires on the beach. Found an uncountable amount of ladybugs.We washed our hair in coffee shops and we learned to pee in the woods. We rode our bikes before breakfast, we colored rocks and jumped waves. Flew kites and climbed dunes.  We watched the most spectacular sunset I have ever seen. We discovered the true meaning of dirty and tired. We took our baths in the lake and felt the cold Lake Michigan water take our breath away as we dunked each other. We watched daddy long legs crawl on the outside of our tent at dawn. Tantrums were thrown as well as sand. Belly laughs were had.

Memories were made. Stories that will be told next year.