There is a quote that says the days are long and the years are short. I find that to be true but lately my days have been short too. Another weekend come and gone. We welcomed a baby boy into our family 4 months ago. There have been big transitions for all of us. My only child became a big sister and learned she has to share the center of our universe with someone else. She did this with ease and has taken the role of being an older sibling serious. She never runs short of hugs for him and always wants to make sure he is going where we go. We constantly are being told to live more simply, live in the now. The lady in the grocery store reminding you how fast it goes as she kisses your babie's hand. As these days fly by there is little time for reflection. Days run together and then something happens, you are caught off guard. One cute thing she does is exchanged for another. She no longer hides from her dad when he comes home . Nothing they do is forever. She will be three soon and I wanted to capture her as she is now. I truly enjoy my days with this little girl.
in my family