This has been the busiest 2 months of my life! I have been photographing lots of beautiful families these past few months so I loved dedicating a whole day to my two rascals. And I went with one of our boring ol' days. My family was photographed by Best Day Ever and it was really different being behind the lens. I feel like I learned so much from Amy and Aaron. I have followed their work for months now and am currently obsessed with this project of theirs. I get lost in it and can't help but feel inspired walking away from it.
And I just have to say the second photo is quite possibly my favorite ever. I use my istagram a lot and don't carry my camera everywhere except for days I have 10 on 10's so I am so grateful I did on this this day. Grey had just ripped her picture off the door and of course she was devastated and burst into tears. I was talking to her about how we could fix it and Grey ran up and hugged her. Her red, tear stained face is the most genuine I have ever captured of her.
Have a great weekend!! xoxoxo
Now go check to see what Emily Robinson is up to!